Everyone goes through the dreaded scenario, you need something from a company and you call them only to keep pressing numbers to get where you need to be. Worse still, you spend the first two minutes yelling “representative” into the phone. Once you actually get a human being on the phone they put you on hold to review the notes on the account. Then they come up with a completely different solution to the last person. It’s frustrating, to say the least.
This is the way customer service is done and it is annoying. Nothing has really changed in years, until now. Cytrus Logic has made the process easier.
The Central Problem of Customer Service in the Tech Industry
Technology is complicated. There are a lot of moving parts. When considering a website there are the following separate areas that overlap each other.
- Web Development
- Front End Development
- Back End Development
- Security
- Quality Assurance
- Design
- Analytics
- Hosting
- Business Logic
While these areas seem like they should go hand in hand, in many instances, they are different companies that work on each part or at the very least different departments. During my career, I can’t tell him how many times I’ve heard “that’s not my job. You will have to talk with someone else.” I’ve had to coordinate with multiple companies and it gets very difficult at times to get things in sync. Imagine if it is frustrating for me, a developer with substantial experience in technology that understands exactly how things should function, how much more frustrating would it be for a lay business owner that has no experience in technology to do the same?
It’s insane to think that business owners have been left to their own devices in this area. Why on earth would anyone leave this up to a business owner with no experience? The problem is, therefore, two-fold
- There are too many moving parts when developing and using a website. There are a lot of details to track, too many details to keep track of for the layperson.
- Business owners in most cases do no understand all the technical details to coordinate them in a succinct manner.
For a business owner to have to call and coordinate all of these things is simply a waste of time if it is even possible.

How Does Cytrus Logic Solve the Problem?
Cytrus Logic solved the problem by creating a dedicated liaison for your company in order to ease the burden of website owners. We call this position a Progress Coordinators. Their purpose is to coordinate all the different aspects of your website, even if we are not doing all the work.
Once you host with us you are assigned a Progress Coordinator that will help you coordinate the different aspects of your company. There is no more waiting in a queue to talk to your Progress Coordinator. You have a direct line to them. You can text them, call them, email them, or chat with them. It’s up to you and what is best for your schedule.
Progress Coordinators are much more than a liaison, they are an extension of your team. We work with you and anyone else in your organization to make your organization a complete success.
They will help you develop a technology plan that will show you how to
- Effectively grow and scale your company
- How to interpret analytical reports
- When additional development is needed
- What systems are needed and when
This is plan is essential to creating an efficient and cost-effective website that will meet your needs over time and not cost you an arm and a leg.
The Goal is to Make Our Clients Lives Easier and Less Stressful

In the end, people need someone they can trust. They need someone that can guide them through the complicated world of technology. Technology changes rapidly and it is essential to have someone that keeps on top of those things for you. To solve the problem of bad customer service we have to take the burden off the business owner. Cytrus Logic takes that burden on themselves in order to make our clients load easier.